November Boutique Style Design mini-set



This is a 3 file mini-design set; 4×4 (apx. 10K stitches), 4×4 with knockdown (apx. 16K stitches), and 5×7 hoop size (apx. 16K stitches).   The file comes with a PDF printable color chart and you are able to select any colors you desire.  Add a curve phrase to the top of the design, as I have done in my stitched version, to give it a very neat feel and perfect for emphasizing a regional area like I did in Acme for Green Roof Farms DIY.

The file does not come with Made in Acme or Green Roof Farms Acres… that is for only when I stitched it for my use.  You are getting three embroidery files that you can customize with whatever wording you want or leave blank and stitch as it comes.


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