Stained Glass Book Mark



This is from a church that I digitized and felt that it was so beautiful that it should be out there roaming around  in bibles or as ornaments on trees or maybe even hanging in your car or home.   The design is 2.25 by 4.75.
This is a very simple stitch out where you would hoop some felt, stabilize with a medium weight stabilizer, and then begin stitching the design.   The first color is stabilizing your felt, then the color sequences stitch out.  At color stitch 9 you will want to prepare yourself to stop the machine after the outline stitches.  This is the step you put your ribbon at top and then another piece of felt on the back called reverse floating. If you have not done this please watch the video on the Green Roof Farms facebook for making sachet or ornaments, it shows you how to do this.   Then let the outline stitch again and then the satin stitch to finish.  Once done trim and you have yourself a ornament, bookmark ,or whatever you would like to use it for.


Need a special one for you your church or event, message me for a custom one to be made.


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