Summer Berak Sachet 4×4



These are fragrance sachets for discs that are under 3.5 inch in size.   This stitches out in a 4×4 hoop and just at 6K stitches.

-Hoop stabilizer in the hoop nice and tight. Do not put your fabric you intend to stitch on in the hoop.
-Lay your fabric, cotton (or felt), on top of the stabilizer. Make sure the fabric is ironed flat.
-Color sequence 1: This is a tack down circle to tack your fabric to the stabilizer.
-Color sequence 2-? (up to the next outline shape) This is where your design stitches out on the fabric you laid on the stabilizer
-Let design stitch out.
-Stop machine at the next circle outline, before it stitches.
-Remove your hoop from the machine carefully and lay on a flat surface.
-Flip over the hoop and and put another flat piece of fabric on the backside of the circle, covering the circle in its entirety. This is known as reverse floating.
-This is the time to also tape in your ribbon on the backside between the stabilizer and the fabric piece you just put on the back, so the tails are hidden.
-Secure fabric on backside, and the optional ribbon, with pieces of masking or fabric tape
-Carefully put the hoop back in the machine, making sure your fabric underneath did not move.
-Let the machine stitch out the next color, which is tacking the bottom fabric to the fabric in the hoop.
-Stop the machine after the outline stitches and remove the hoop carefully from the machine. Do not stitch the next outline yet.
-This is where you will use applique scissors and trim the excess fabric outside the circle on the front and back of the hoop.
-Put the hoop back in the machine and start the machine so the outer satin ring stitches
-Once the satin ring stitches you place a piece of felt on the backside like you did earlier, reverse floating, and tape in place so it is secure.
-You can choose to set your felt a little down the circle so it leaves a natural opening or you can cover up the entire circle and let the outter circle stitch occur and then cut a slit to put your fragrance disc.
-Trim with pinking scissors, don’t cut ribbon.
-Fragrance disc in the back pouch and enjoy.

*Once you make one you can see how you can do different things with these sachets.
*You can even install snaps and Velcro for closing the opening.
*Perfect for just about anything; home, car, office, airplane…


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