Toddler Discs Expansion Packs: 10 Theme Play Wheel expansion sets for 86 Designs



These are specific for toddlers who cannot read yet as well as who put toys in their mouth.  These are the matching pieces to the shapes on the 16 disc learning wheel pack that had words  for the discs that were able to become icons rather than words.    This 10 theme disc expansion was made to have parents make a decision on what fastener to attach to the disc, rather than setting a kam snap spot.  You can choose velcro or no fastener for these and just allow the child to lay the disc on the spot on the wheel when parent and child play with these discs.   As the toddler grows and is ready for reading and kam snaps then use the other word disc that came in the original 16 wheel pack.

This pack includes 10 .zip files to make 86 discs to go with 10 of the 16 learning wheels in the 16 learning wheel pack.

All 10 icon themes in this collection. These are adorable play learning wheels discs specific for a toddler or someone needing to work on cognitive processing.   This adorable toy disc is the expansion pack to the 16 design learning wheel and can be stitched on felt or polar fleece. There are several ways to use this pattern; satin edge with reverse applique so no edges are seen or let the design stitch out and use pinking sheers or other decorative trimming techniques to make cute edges.   You can omit the final satin outline stitch to save on stitches and just let the bean/run stitch close up your back piece of felt/fleece.

  • Each theme is set on a 5×7 hoop for the expansion discs.

Stitch 1 is the outline to show you where to put your fabric

Stitch 2 is the tack down stitch (stop machine and trim if you want the edges hidden under the satin finishing stitch at the end)

Stitch 3+ are the design stitches

Stop machine before the second to last stitch (outline)

Second to last is an outline stitch which at this point you will want to have another piece of felt under the hoop to close off the backside of the play wheel so the strings are not seen from the stitching of the design.

(Optional Stop machine and applique trim under neath by flipping your hoop over, if you want the edges under the satin hidden.)

Last is the satin outline that


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