Winking Eye Mask 8×10 ITH



Who doesn’t love a good sleeping mask.  These are very nice for on the road travel or a light sleeper who wants total darkness.   You have several options for making this.  You can put a cotton batting between the layers or just the top and bottom.  This will have a float under the hoop step towards the end prior to the satin stitching if you want to cover up the stitches.   There are spots to punch holes for tie straps or use elastic and kam snaps as I have done.

The design requires a 8×10 hoop as the design is 8 inches by 3.5 inches.  This is a 15K stitch design.


Step one is the outline to show where to put your fabric on the felt

The design stitches out and you need to stop the machine prior to the outline stitching so you can reverse float the material you want to cover the embroidery backside, tape in place, then let the outline stitch down.

Trim prior to satin stitching.


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