Dress Towel Topper (Sewing Directions and Printable Template)



This Dress Shape Topper is super cute and fun to make.  You will need a printer, however, to print the template.  You will be sewing this with a sewing machine and following the step-by-step directions and included photos.  This is not an embroidery design.  Your .zip download folder will include pdf directions, photos, and a template SVG. 

Materials Needed:

Printer to print the directions and template in this .zip (sewing machine to sew it and iron)

(2) Fat Sixteenths (9”x11”) of 100% Cotton Fabric

18’ x11” Lightweight fusible interfacing, Pellon featherweight, or lightweight is fine.

(1) Hand towel

1 foot of decorative Ribbon for a bow at the neckline

Snaps or (4) 1” x 11” strips of fabric to make a quarter-inch finished double bias strap with fabric.